Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

What is an ideal project for Xamun?

Custom-building software should be a decision not to be made lightly. The first choice is if any ready-built SaaS product would do the job (like accounting, HR, etc.). Custom development on Xamun should be considered for strategic projects where the company wants to maintain its differentiation and thus the expense and effort are better justified.

What if I already have an existing app?

Xamun can help migrate your existing software to the cloud or build its next version. While Xamun can't work directly with your existing code base, it can extend your system through APIs for added functionality.

How do I begin my project on Xamun?

Start by chatting with Xami, our AI assistant, to scope out your project and get an estimate. Then you can save your project and schedule a consultation with our solution experts if needed.

Updated on: 09/16/2024

Cost & Subsciption

How much does it cost to build using Xamun?

The cost depends on the scope of your project, ranging from a few hundred thousand pesos to a couple of million pesos. Xamun provides a fixed price once the project scope is finalized.

How do I subscribe to Xamun?

No subscription is required to use Xamun. Here's how you can get started:

1. Login/Sign Up: Create an account on Xamun.

2. Choose Your Solution: Browse the solutions library or use Xami to create a custom solution.

3. Finalize and Request a Proposal: When you're satisfied with your design in the Design Studio, request a proposal to review the project details.

4. Proceed with Payment: Once the project starts progressing, you can proceed with payment when you're ready to move forward.