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The following sub-sections provide context and overview necessary for understanding and use of this Document.

Project Background

Design and Build Studio System is an AI-Powered end-to-end Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) platform. It is a whole new way of building customized software because it uses bot and low-code functionalities in building your application and to unlock innovations. It can launch ultrafast scalable, complex, and enterprise-ready applications.

The project can be created by different kinds of users like managers, developers and even stakeholders for the platform offers different options in creating it.

Document Description

This Document substantiates the functional specifications for the system to be implemented in this project – namely the functionalities, security and access features, user interface per identified modules. This Document contains the overview and detailed reports on the following:

  • High Level Workflow
  • Product Backlog (user stories)
  • Technical Architecture

System Overview

Design and Build Studio System is an AI-Powered end-to-end Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) platform. It is a whole new way of building customized software for it uses bot and low-code functionalities in building your application and to unlock innovations. It can ultrafast launch a scalable, complex, and enterprise-ready applications.

The project can be created by different kinds of users like managers, developers and even stakeholders for the platform offers different options in creating it.

Platform Overview

The platform has three major systems with consists of the following:

Design Studio is where the selection of SOLUTION with pre-defined modules in creating a project. The selected modules can be customized, and the pages can be personalized. The estimated costs are computed and can be viewed by the user.

Learn more about Design Studio:

Project Hub is the stage where the user can track and monitor the development progress of the BUILD PROJECT. This is also where the collaboration of the team members happens.

Learn more about Project Hub:

Build Studio has the backend and frontend setup for the project. The developers can easily build the application using the low-code interface. It also has the feature of deploying the application in an ultra-fast way and testing it.

Learn more about Build Studio: